Claudia Milardo

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  • Experiential Workshops
  • Kick-start programmes
  • Weekend experiential retreats
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Interim & Consulting
  • Walks & Talks



“My vision is of sustainable, nurtured and nurturing organisations remaining aware and conscious of both their connection with others and with themselves (inner connection).”

My purpose is to empower Leaders to access and embody awareness and specifically ‘Wise Benevolence’ in order to build a safer, kinder, stronger world for us all.


I have 17 years experience serving an international organisation, developing my natural skills and talents in emotional, social and interpersonal intelligence.

As a personal and leadership coach, I spot the patterns and the inconsistencies in the layers beneath the surface, supporting clients to get to the root of the issues that when transformed generate breakthroughs as well as incredibly deep satisfaction.

Specialist in:

Transformational Coaching, Self-Leadership Coaching & Assessments, Facilitating business workshops and events,  Gender-Power & Diversity Coaching.


With eight years as a certified coach in Communication & Coaching and Meta-Coaching, I focus on transitioning, transformational leadership and potential-realisation.

I am active within the Being At Full Potential coaching network across Europe, with experience of working in the UK as well as Switzerland in the space of Organisational Change, Culture-Change and Performance.

My approach:

I believe every person and every team is gifted with untapped potential.

The processes and approaches I bring to clients,  unlocks both individual and organisational potential by bringing the attention back and alignment to the essence of identity and purpose.

From an improved state of awareness/being, individual clients and client teams see through the complexity and chaos of their worlds. Enabling them to move forward in more meaningful ways, thereby unleashing breakthroughs.


Website (s): (lookout for my new website next year)