Events & Modules

‘Culture Communication Change’

A RealiseYourPotential event powered by Circle Central

Context for the series

We are well aware of how the world of work and the way we interact with others fundamentally changed for many of us during the past year or two. The impact on performance, creativity and people in general has led to recent shifts in priority around engagement, resilience, talent retention and team-effectiveness, to name but a few.

As leaders tasked with addressing all of the above, while at the same time nurturing a more diverse and inclusive culture, we need to look closer at the issues that divide and unite us and that means we need to look within ourselves for the inspiration, the answers and indeed often, the source of the problems.

Join together with leaders from diverse backgrounds to explore the inner and outer worlds of culture, communication and change. Together we will explore the issues that play a critical role in…

Personal journeys within, through the prism of culture, communication and change

We each hold personal truths—those things that feel true to us and influence how we react and respond to a given situation. Some of them result from our life experiences, while others are more embedded from our earliest days.

As leaders, to ‘come home’ to our fullest potential, it is essential to understand and celebrate what personal truths make us who we are. However, it is also crucial to understand and find alignment/harmony with those personal truths that may be getting in our way.

In this session, we will explore the following questions:

As a leader, what conflicting forces or contradictions (your truths) show up when at work? How do these help and hinder you?

What conversations about your truths are you not having with yourself, and how would a more aligned and positive story look, feel and sound?



Journeying with others/teams through the prism of culture, communication and change

It is not enough to be better aligned to our truths. We also need to consider the personal realities of those we work alongside. No more is this more important than when working as part of a team. Research has shown that only 13% of teams are operating at the highest level of performance (Price and Toye, 2017).

Technically a team can be considered two or more people who share a common purpose and have goals for which they hold each other mutually accountable. This session will explore what truths you have about others, what truths others may have about you and what potentially needs to be celebrated or sacrificed when working with individuals or as part of a team.



Journeying with the wider world and your community through the prism of culture, communication and change

Imagine you have done the work and reconciled your truths and the truths of other colleagues or team members. You think you are in a good place. However, suddenly something happens in the news or local to you. You react or even stay silent in a way that does not feel like you being your most authentic self.

This session will support and challenge you to talk about what often remains not said. To assist, we will offer practical guidance on discussing even the most difficult topics.

For every session, you will go away with insights, shared learning, and practical steps to take into your teams, organisations, and communities.

An ‘after-care’ session for those who attended this series is available to attend free of charge (dates to be confirmed by the cohort).



8:30AM PST | 12:30PM SET | 4:30PM BST | 5:30PM CET | 6:30PM Middle East

Step up in your leadership to build a safer, stronger, kinder tomorrow.

Please email, or or or to advise if you are likely to join late or need to leave early.

Pop the time in your calendar and set a reminder if you’ll need one.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

This series is co-hosted by Paul J Barbour, Cleo McLaren, Felicia Pfeiffer & Daniel Yehuda Frohwein

All sessions are designed to be powerful as stand-alone sessions, although we highly recommend the depth and integration to be gained from attending two or all three sesssions in this series.

Expect to be feel comfortable as an observer or taking centre-stage. The pace is purposefuly slow, to make room for listening – not just to others, but deep within yourself.

You will be invited to share your experience, your wisdom, your highs and lows, whatever you are willing to share to benefit others and yourself, in a confidential and psychologically-safe space.

You will be told it is find to ‘pass’ and to observe only, if that is your preferred choice.

Exploring in a non-judgmental environment, the often gritty and tricky topic of culture, communication and change is both a privlege and a pleasure.

We look forward to welcoming you.




p.s. feel free to join 5-10 mins before we start to check that your audio and visuals are working fine and to ensure that you have a drink at hand and are comfortable in your surroundings

‘Mindsets & Masks’           A RealiseYourPotential event powered by Circle Central

Context for the series

What we tell ourselves and others at work, what is shown and what is hidden, sets the tone for so much.

We live and work in an age of increased employee disconnection and distance. Stress and mental health issues continue to pressure HR and leadership in general, at the same time as organisations are seeking to be more diverse, inclusive, innovative and competitive.  

The new strategic priorities of engagement, resilience, talent retention and team-effectiveness demands new thinking and new insight from leaders.

The mindsets and ‘masks’ we bring to work are everyday aspects of leadership and team-building. They are deeply personal and yet, they are also rarely discussed.

Join together with leaders from diverse sectors and countries, discussing the challenges and opportunities around this often unexplored topic.


Please join us in this 3-part series in a safe and confidential space facilitated by our trusted coaches, as we humbly explore together: 

For session one, on July 8th, the focus will be around our own personal journeys with Masks & Mindsets as leaders and we will explore the masks you can identify that serve or hinder you in your role as a leader.

For session two, on Aug 5th, the focus will be around our team journeys with Masks & Mindsets and we will explore ‘the tensions that exist between authenticity and team effectiveness.

For session three, on 23rd September, the focus will be around Masks & Mindsets in relation to all stakeholders and we will explore the potential impact of being conscious of Mindsets & Masks on the whole organisation, all stakeholders and the wider world of work.

An ‘after-care’ session for those who attended this series is available to attend free of charge (dates to be confirmed by the cohort).

Session Details

For every session, you will go away with insights, shared learning, and practical steps to take into your teams, organisations, and communities.  These are ‘deep-dive’ experiential peer-to-peer learning sessions, and all participants are closely supported by experienced leadership coaches and consultants.

Duration   75 mins

Dates         24th June | 22nd July |23rd Sept

Time          8:30AM PST |11:30AM SET | 4:30PM British Summer Time | 5:30PM CET | 6:30PM Middle East | 8:30PM Mumbai

Investment        Entry is £40 per session 

Step up in your leadership to build a safer, stronger, kinder tomorrow.


To register any special needs or to seek a bursary (limited numbers available)  please email us on and also to let us know you are likely to join late or need to leave early.


You will receive either a session guide or some preparatory questions by email.


Pop the time and dates in your calendar and set a reminder if youll need one.


Looking forward to seeing you soon.


Please note, each session is self-contained, although we highly recommend participating in as many of the three as you are able.

Reserve your place…


p.s. feel free to join 5-10 mins before we start to check that your audio and visuals are working fine and to ensure that you have a drink at hand and are comfortable in your surroundings

Your hosts are…

Daniel Yehuda Frohwein

Daniel Yehuda Frohwein is an accredited Business & Leadership Coach (ABLC/EMCC), and the founder of – a collective of professional coaches, psychologists and consultants who share a purpose-driven desire to serve clients wishing to sustain and develop profit and performance, whilst creating a safer, stronger, kinder society.
With 25 years experience leading companies and teams, Daniel Yehuda brings a creative, entrepreneurial and human touch to the challenging times we face as leaders of our organisations, teams, and in our lives.
Daniel Yehuda is a pioneer in Leaders Circles since launching ‘Frontline Leaders Support’ (amongst many others) to leaders worldwide during 2020. He shines brightest when facilitating & coaching Teams & Leaders around the fields of Leadership, Alignment, Communications, Culture, Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing, Performance & Change.
Daniel Yehuda brings a blend of organisational and personal psychology, to the process of adding value and embedding values across 1) Leadership & Legacy 2) Strategy & Innovation 3) Teamship & Performance 4) Emotional Balance & Wellbeing.

Felicia (Fee) Pfeiffer

Felicia (Fee) Pfeiffer is a gifted Leadership, Mindset & Communication Coach who believes our world of work needs to be led by leaders who embody wisdom and love.
She serves clients in order to bring creativity, innovation and trust to the heart of business and prosperity.
Fee’s purpose is to co-create a more inclusive world in which all voices can be heard and the full spectrum of human potential can be realised.
She ‘educates’ leaders and their teams on the topic of emotional intelligence, and self-awareness as the starting point to sustainable change in order to support better decision-making and activating purposeful endeavour.

Mikhail Lvovskii

Mikhail Lvovskii is a senior HR director and People consultant with top of class pedigree.  He works with teams and leaders to recognise and unleash their potential putting People at the core of their performance strategy.
Across blends of cultures and locations, Mikhail supports and challenges leadership teams to make their organisation truly awesome to work for. Mikhail possesses a rare combination of bold courage and collaborative sensitivity.
As an expert in reviewing and re-setting working processes and supporting culture-change, he guides system-wide People-change.
With people and business principles working better together, Mikhail supports the re-design of streamlined organisations, creating sustainable practices honed from a global blue-chip career.
His hugely personable and humble style is complemented by the grounding and immediate impact around being the proud father of two young and very active children.

Dr Ben Levy

Dr Ben Levy is an Applied Psychologist with extensive experience and specific expertise in the education sector.
Ben uses a solution focussed approach to problem solving.
His areas of expertise include supporting sustained behavioural change at both an individual and organisational level and promoting cognitive development.
Ben is also a professional magician who melds psychology and wonder to create unique learning experiences for client teams.
The most magical things in Ben’s life are his wife and two young children.

Julia Williams

Julia Williams is a personal mentor and a professional listener to leaders young and old.  She guides and supports teams and leaders to acknowledge and develop their innate natural talents, and the skills and values that are so often ignored or underused.
With a degree in French, an International House cert. for teaching English as a foreign language as well as being a professional artist, Julia embodies highly connective and creative approaches to problem solving and personal performance.
Proficient with Enneagram and no stranger to Myers Briggs, Julia is often found surrounded by highly intelligent and ambitious creatives or specialists in any field who are open to practicing and improving their communications and strengthening their confidence and presence.
Julia will work with clients either in traditional sessions or through informal modalities, including poetry reading, making music, meditating, singing, painting, presenting a passionate hobby, even cooking – all of which have been used to bring insight and confidence.

‘Year Start Super-Circle’           A RealiseYourPotential event powered by Circle Central


Join together with leaders & friends from around the world for the first ‘Circle’ of the year as we reset and reframe 2021 to realise our potential.

Re-set your sights on the attitudes, perspectives and practices that will serve you and your organisations mission for 2021. Re-energise yourself and explore what it is that will propel you and possibly your team to realise your potential for 2021.

Before the winter break fades fast into memory, put aside 90 minutes that will guarantee you the inspiration, the insight and the guiding light to make your 2021 start truly feel like you are realising your potential.

No one expects miracles but there is always a better way to be, to think, to do what we do and to feel what we will feel. With top-notch, friendly and professional facilitators, enjoy a powerful and creative experience that combines human warmth and wisdom with leading edge processes (includes OST – open source technology & 1-2-4-All formats).


Conversations and themes flow in and out of quiet reflection and sharing in more intimate break-out groups through to sharing with the main plenary or ‘Circle’ as we like to call the non-hierarchical spaces we create.

‘Observer-only’ names on your Zoom box window is welcomed for those who would prefer to listen and learn only, rather than to be fully active participants. Opportunities to verbally share with the full ‘Circle’ makes RealiseYourPotential’s Leaders Circles a liberating breath of fresh zoom air.

You will have the opportunity to explore the what, the whys and the why nots to the critical questions that face us all as we begin 2021.

Gift yourself a powerful tonic to whatever issue or challenge you care to bring.

Time – Duration 90 mins  9:00AM PST | 1:00PM SET | 5:00PM GMT | 6:00PM CET | 7:00PM Middle East

Please email either Sven, or Ilse to advise if you are likely to join late or have any special needs/requests.

Open your calendar and set a reminder if you’ll need one.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.


The tickets are ‘donation’ which means you can pay as little or as much as you like. We didn’t wish to make it a formal fee or fixed ticket in order to allow for anyone to join if they don’t have spare money. 10% of the proceeds go to charity – the rest goes towards continuing the work we are doing – supporting leaders and teams – and keeping free Circles alive and well alongside the paid services that we naturally offer.

p.s. feel free to join 5 mins before we start to check that your audio and visuals are working fine and that you have a drink and are comfortable in your surroundings

‘Humanising Diversity&Inclusion’           CULTURE, CONFLICT & RESOLUTION series

Work together with leaders from diverse sectors and countries, discussing and working through contemporary challenges and opportunities.

Culture, Conflict & Resolution – ‘Humanising D&I’ is an especially important topic given the pressure to deliver results and increase sales at a time when our teams our working remotely and with social distance.  With pressure comes ‘survival’ modes and practices that are not always ideal!

We are charged as leaders to spark innovation, pivot and produce and with certain uncertainty as the new normal, conflicts have the potential to damage an already fragile or stretched status quo.


Culture, Conflict & Resolution allows us the space to examine how we humanise diversity and inclusion policies and practices at work and the impact of culture in terms of the day to day realities.


Register on Eventbrite via the link above or register on Circle Central


Zoom link will be sent the night prior to the event if you register via Eventbrite or if you send us an email as requested on Circle Central.

Topics for this series are both generated by the cohort as well as suggested by your hosts – includes working in a neo-Covid world as a leader embodying a pragmatic positive mindset, embracing change, nurturing collaboration, supporting self-leadership and creating trust wherever you go.


Alternative Thursdays (duration 75 mins)


12:00PM CET | 5:00PM GMT | 6:00PM CET | 7:00PM Middle East |



Step up in your leadership to build a safer, stronger, kinder tomorrow.

Please email or to advise if you are likely to join late or need to leave early.

Pop the time in your calendar and set a reminder if you’ll need one.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

p.s. feel free to join 5 mins before we start to check that your audio and visuals are working fine and that you have a drink and are comfortable in your surroundings

Running fortnightly                           Leaders That Write

Journalling, letters, speeches, articles. Be supported and challenged to get into the writing habit to realise your potential as a leader by finding clarity and impact through writing.

Make yourself comfortable and bring a pen and a journal.

Plan to be in a perfectly quiet space and be supported and possibly challenged by experienced Leadership Coaches & Facilitators.

With a choice of structured questions, follow a gently guided journaling session on Zoom designed for journaling & sharing – a quiet and safe Leaders Work Circle for meaningful writing and conversation about your leadership and your legacy.

Entry, session guides & workbook sheets are free.  

To register –  Eventbrite  or Circle Central

A Zoom link will be emailed to you the night prior.

If you register on the day, we will still do our best to email you the zoom link but always best to book ahead and pop it in your calendar.

Feel free to arrive five minutes early to check audio/visual and to make yourself comfortable.

We look forward to welcoming you.

p.s. we are trialing to ensure those with hearing impairments can fully participate

Last Wednesday of the Month       WEDNESDAYS FOR CHANGE

Step up and be who you are, more than ever before.  What will you bring to a changed and changing world?   How has culture changed?  How have you changed?  What will you change?

If you would like to contribute to the learning by sharing both your questions and your answers or if you would simply like to hear from other leaders from diverse sectors and across the globe,  join us on Zoom for an interactive and experiential coaching style workshop any or every Wednesday.

We explore how our work and our world can best embrace change.

We all want to thrive.

Together we examine the part we play and how we can change to build a safer, stronger, kinder tomorrow.

As we settle into a new phase of the Covid period, there is an opportunity to look at the period of initial lockdown as well as to the current period of remote working and social distancing and pick out the changes in behaviour and approach that might serve us well for the future.

Wednesdays4Change allows us time to reflect and share with each other on how our leadership and collaboration styles changed, and how we will reshape our approach going forward to provide the greatest productivity, peace and profits.

Register on Eventbrite via the link above or register on Circle Central by clicking on the Circles tab.

Zoom link will be sent the night prior to the event.

Choose from the options below or create your own programme

Leadership Performance
– Finding North               (resetting your & your team’s compass)
– Innovation & Change (processes/approaches experiences to embrace change)
– Productivity                 (lateral thinking, fresh solutions & skills)
– Resilience & trust       (creating in-built resilience to come back to centre, trust and venture again)


Free Spirit Communications
– External             (leading a brand detox and renewal, advertising and empowering engagement across the board)
– Internal              (leading a re-aligned employer brand and harmonising all touchpoints between key individuals, teams and depts.)
– Inner self           (the stories we tell ourselves and others and the critical signals and patterns within)


Intentional Leadership – Wellbeing for People, Peace, Profit and Planet
– Physical world         (spacial distance, hydration, breathing, lighting, sound,  posture, nutrition and the elements)
– The mind                 (attitudes, beliefs & the sub-conscious)
– Heart and spirit      (emotions, integration, integrity and balance)’s hand-picked selection of excellent providers, bring practical and magical learning and development to large and small organisations alike. We provide great results through challenging and supporting clients in equal measure, ensuring an empowering and enjoyable experience for you and your team. From start to finish.


If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please send us an email

My List


The Full Monty – Enquiries for bespoke courses – call 07973 617 342

A brief overview

Purpose Events and Modules – Coming Soon – Call Daniel on 07973 617 342 for all enquiries

Performance Events and Modules – Coming Soon – Call Daniel on 07973 617 342 for all enquiries

Wellbeing Events and Modules – Coming Soon – Call Daniel on 07973 617 342 for all enquiries

Creativity Events and Modules – Coming Soon – – Call Daniel on 07973 617 342 for all enquiries

Legacy Events and Modules – Coming Soon – Call Daniel on 07973 617 342 for all enquiries

Bring your full open-minded self to an honest conversation about leadership and change

You are invited to a scheduled 'Leadership-uncut’ Zoom meeting


Step up and be who you are, more than ever before.  What will you bring to a changed and changing world?   How has culture changed?  How have you changed?  What will you change?

An interactive Zoom session encouraging leaders to gain new insights by exploring how lockdown changed the culture of businesses and the teams within them and of course how lockdown impacts on their inner leadership, past, present and future.

There are few moments in time, which impact global society’s behaviour and outlook in such a comprehensive manner. As we move into a new phase, there is an opportunity to look back to the period of lockdown and pick out the changes in behaviour and approach that might serve us well for the future. 

Three Wednesdays for Change allows us time to reflect and share with each other on how our leadership and collaboration styles changed, and how we will reshape our approach in the future.
