Power Off & Reset

Yes please…
To arrange an initial conversation…


A single day intensive designed to facilitate switching off an over-active mind as well as anchoring techniques for Hitting The Reset Button and re-energising whilst re-focussing on the task at hand.

Starts 9:00am

Ends 5:00pm

Welcome to realiseyourpotential.com

Organisations and people grow in stages. Sometimes we get stuck and stop growing. Sometimes we are on top form, incredibly resourceful and simply fantastic!

But most of us only manage our best for short periods of time and all of us could do better and be happier if we realised more of our potential.

Join one of our dynamic workshops by signing up today.


For more information call Daniel 07973 617 342


Be Inspired
Be Challenged
Be Supported

Switch Off

  • Leave behind the noise of the week
  • Reconnect with yourself
  • Experience deep calm & clarity in ways that may surprise you
  • Hear more in silence & see more in darkness


  • Gain powerful insights into your habits, beliefs, emotions and values – learn how to Power Off and Power Up at will
  • Develop new awareness and mindfully practice in an environment which will support and challenge you
  • Put your new stuff through their paces in small well-supported groups 
  • Walk away empowered by fresh clarity, feeling centred, focussed with a spring in your step and simply fired up

Our lives are truly amazing in terms of what is possible, but how often are we at our best and how long do we stay there?

• Access empowering tools and liberating wisdom
• Learn and grow in a safe and powerful experiential workshop format
• Be supported and challenged as you roll back the blockages and beliefs that no longer serve you
Step up to be and do your very best, for good.


Single Day Intensive – Experiential Workshop

Venue:     Columbia Hotel, W2 3NS
Date:        10th August
Time:        9:00am-5:00pm
Fees:         £625.00* (£525 early bird rate only)


Is now the right time for you to do what it takes to realise your potential at work, at home and at play?

Book Now to reserve your place     Click HERE

If not now, When?

Re-ignite your Mojo for Higher Performance and the gift of being able to Power-Off/Power-Up wherever life may take you. Book your place for an intimate experiential learning and development day led by proven facilitators Daniel Frohwein, Neal Landsberg and Liz Fenton-Cripps.

More About NealMore about Liz

For further information call Daniel 07973 617 342

p.s. for full functionality of the site, please register with us (see menu or top right of the main navigation bar)

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