Harmen van Dijk

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  • Experiential Workshops
  • Kick-start programmes
  • Weekend experiential retreats
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Walks & Talks



I believe that each person can be a transformational leader and it is my mission to support you in stepping into your fullest potential.


Professional Certified Coach and Mentor – International Coaching Federation; Founder of Harmen van Dijk Coaching, Thriving Virtual Teams, Firemakers and RawMenTrails. Coaching in English, German, Dutch and Spanish.

Specialist in:

As a coach I offer life-coaching and personal leadership development to executives and professionals in business and government as well as to management teams. Both online and off line. I facilitate transformational processes including, when necessary and opportune, individual trauma release. I have extensive experience in facilitating leadership circles, open dialogues and leadership development for men. I am a certified Human Potential Coach and support my clients – both individuals, teams and organisations with realising their fullest potential. I am a core member of the Oaktree Me Transformational Leadership Trails Team and facilitate multiple Leadership and Purpose Trails in the Austrian Alps as well as the Netherlands.


After 13 years of serving the Dutch Government as a diplomat in The Hague, Brussels, Geneva, New York, Bolivia and Berlin, I realised it was time for a next step and a new dream. I took a ‘sabbatical year’, moved back to the Netherlands, completed the MMS Worldwide Institute Coach Training in 2014 and founded my own Coaching company in early 2015. As a coach I have had the opportunity to support numerous individual clients and teams in the profit and non-profit sector in Self-Leadership, living their purpose and unleashing their Human Potential. I do this mostly by taking clients into nature, for individual sessions, tailor-made Group and Team trails as well as Raw Men Trails – leadership trails for men into raw nature. Since 2016 I have been facilitating Men’s Work in multiple settings including co-leading the yearly European Festival of Brotherhood. I am currently the Chair of the Firemakers Foundation that promotes the self-realisation of Men as a Force for Good in the world.

My approach:

Nature and people are my passion. I live and work outside whenever possible. Since 2014 I have been taking men and women on a journey into nature and by that on a journey to themselves. I believe nature provides us with many opportunities for personal leadership development. Becoming aware of the pure magic in nature and honoring natural transitions such as the changing of seasons brings us back to our essence and opens doors for transformational growth.

Apart from that I am a proud husband and father of two daughters, a firm believer in synchronicity as well as the power of vulnerability. By stretching my comfort zone on a daily basis I strive for mutual growth and a new way of connecting with myself, others and the planet. I am a lover of nature, adventure, travelling new and uncharted places, music and singing and am continuously open to be amazed by life.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Website (s):

www.harmenvandijk.com; www.thrivingvirtualteams.com; www.firemakers.nl; www.rawmentrails.com