Nathalie Yael Cohen

Email Nathalie

  • Interim & Consulting
  • Creative Services
  • Copywriting
  • Kick-start Programmes
  • Walks & Talks


Purpose & Mission:

To connect people to their Essence



Professional Certified Coach – Co-Active training institute

NLP Certification by Richard Bandler – Institut Starter


Specialist in:

Stress Management, Change Management, Public Speaking

I work with large companies and start-up

I’m also a Professor of Soft Skills at Paris Dauphine University


Experience: With a French education, Oriental culture and Anglo-Saxon spirit, I have always been interested in multicultural diversity, geopolitics and international relations. For 20 years I worked in the Financial Markets, specialising in foreign exchange risk management.

I have two passions: Theatre for letting go and expressing emotions and Medicine because of my continuous amazement at the magic and power of the human body.

After a sabbatical year travelling, discovering other cultures, doing volunteer work for sick children, for autistics and the realisation that ” time is life!” I chose to retrain professionally.

I’m now a Leadership Coach. I work internationally with large groups and start-ups. I’m committed to connecting people to their essence, in order to develop their leadership and creativity.


My Approach: I set-up creative and interactive  tailor-made programs  with professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds ( actor, photograph, mindfulness institutor, extreme athlete, boxer, director of innovation, conflict management specialist… )


Contact:  LinkedIn